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... and the
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Non-Stop Jug Band!

Leasebreaker | Instruments | Contact
Ken Lead Vocal; Banjo; Ukelele; Coconuts; etc. Kenny and the Leasebreakers (626)798-7997
John Principal Jug; Vocals John and the Leasebreakers (805)297-9126
Ricky Washtub Bass; Jug; Mandolin; Vocals
   Ricky and the Leasebreakers (310)365-3793
Carolee Vocals; Guitar; Principal Washboard
 Carolee and the Leasebreakers
Jody Guitar; Melodica; Vocals; Cow Jody and the Leasebreakers (303)298-9130
Suzanne Folk Harp; Vocals; Kazoo; Rattles
  Suzanne and the Leasebreakers
Rino Mandolin; Guitar; Vocals
       Rino and the Leasebreakers
Michael Mandolin; Jaw Harp; Guitar; Tin Whistle
  Michael and the Leasebreakers
Colin Harmonicas
     Colin and the Leasebreakers
Julian Guitar; Clarinet; Vocals
     Julian and the Leasebreakers

Photos of "... and the Leasebreakers"

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[Copyright ©1996-2005 Dr. Jody Paul]